
Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy
Date of last update: 05.10.2023
Our website uses cookies and similar technologies to improve your online experience. This Cookie Policy explains how we use these technologies.
What are Cookies
Cookies are small text files that we store on your device to improve your browsing experience. They are used to remember your preferences and to collect information about how you use our website.
Types of Cookies
– Session cookies: These are temporary cookies that are automatically deleted from your device after you close your browser.
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How We Use Cookies
We use cookies to:
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Alternative dispute resolution
We hereby inform you that, as a consumer, you have the option of contacting a local ADR entity to resolve a dispute that you have not been able to resolve directly with RIDEWITHME SAFE SRL.
What is SAL?
In order to avoid costly and long-lasting legal proceedings, according to law 1, SAL is a procedure for the extrajudicial resolution of national and cross-border disputes regarding contractual obligations resulting from sales or service contracts between a trader based in the European Union and a consumer, through the intervention of an ADR entity that proposes or imposes a solution or brings the parties together with the aim of facilitating an amicable solution.

ADR entities are extrajudicial entities. An ADR entity is a neutral party (for example, a conciliator, mediator, arbitrator, ombudsman or appeals chamber) that RIDEWITHME SAFE SRL will use to resolve disputes, if the consumer decides to use the ADR mechanism. The ADR process involves low costs, a simple and fast procedure, and is therefore beneficial for both consumers and traders, who can avoid legal costs and lengthy processes.
How do I file a complaint through the SAL process?
If you wish to lodge a complaint, contact the national SAL entity below. This ADR entity will be able to provide you with answers to any questions you may have about the process.
National Authority for Consumer Protection
Aviatorilor Boulevard no. 72, sector 1, Bucharest, 011865, Romania
Phone: 021.307.67.69, Fax: 021.314.34.62
Web address:
1 Legal framework:
Ordinance no. 38/2015 on the alternative resolution of disputes between consumers and merchants, with subsequent amendments and additions;
Directive no. 2013/11/EU regarding the alternative resolution of disputes in the field of consumption and amending Regulation (EC) no. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Consumer ADR Directive);
Regulation no. 2006/2004 on cooperation between national authorities responsible for ensuring the application of consumer protection legislation (“Regulation on cooperation in consumer protection”), with subsequent amendments, in force from December 9, 2004 until January 16, 2020 , being repealed and replaced by Regulation no. 2394/2017;
Regulation no. 2394/2017 regarding the cooperation between the national authorities responsible for ensuring compliance with consumer protection legislation and the repeal of Regulation (EC) no. 2006/2004, with subsequent amendments.

The Directorate for Alternative Dispute Resolution within the National Authority for Consumer Protection has the authority to alternatively resolve national and cross-border disputes arising from sales contracts or service contracts concluded with a trader who
carries out activities in Romania, in the sectors of activity in which ANPC is competent.
* This ADR entity is registered in the national register of ADR entities that comply with the mandatory quality requirements established by the ADR Directive (Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters) /odr/
How is the dispute resolved?
In order to resolve the dispute, the ADR Directorate runs the mechanism of proposing a solution to the parties, a mechanism according to which, if only one of the parties accepts the proposed solution, the result of the procedure is not binding. If the trader does not accept the proposed solution, the SAL Directorate informs the consumer, by closing, about the administrative remedies, respectively
judicial procedures that can be used to resolve the dispute.
What are the conditions under which the SAL procedure can be accessed?
The dispute could not be resolved directly with the merchant;
The claim has not been previously analyzed by another SAL entity or by a court, nor submitted to another public authority;
The complaint is formulated within 1 year from the date on which it was presented to the trader or from the date of the act that gave rise to the dispute;
Litigation instrumentation does not seriously affect the efficient operation of the SAL entity;
The dispute is not promoted in bad faith and is not offensive;
The dispute is the competence of the notified SAL entity.
Online dispute resolution
In order to resolve disputes that may arise between consumers and traders in the EU or in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, related to products and services purchased on the Internet, the European Commission has made available an online platform for their resolution, without calling at the competition of the court of law.

The SOL platform is not associated with any merchant. You can use it to bring your complaint to an authorized dispute resolution entity.
Dispute resolution entities are impartial organizations or individuals that help consumers and merchants reach an agreement through extrajudicial means.
Usually, such a procedure is faster and cheaper than a judicial one.
The SOL platform is easy to use, guiding users step by step. It provides translations in all official EU languages ​​and provides deadlines for resolving complaints. Thanks to the SOL Platform, consumers can obtain fair solutions either free of charge or at very low cost, and merchants can avoid costly legal proceedings and maintain good customer relations.
The online dispute resolution platform (SOL) offers consumers and merchants a way to resolve disputes related to purchases made on the Internet both in their own country and abroad. More precisely, disputes are submitted to alternative dispute resolution bodies (SAL entities) registered on the platform. These are selected by the member states according to certain quality criteria and then communicated to the Commission.
You can find more about the SOL platform here:

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